Friday, January 30, 2009


Good Friday Morning,

Sorry about having to cancel the practice yesterday. We do need to really give our all to make up for that day.

Homework: Keep practicing singing and moving as this is a tough thing to do.

* Monday- tutorial for Knights
* Monday - After school for ENSEMBLE and cast from scene 3-5
* Tuesday- NO PRACTICE
* Thursday- FULL CAST

* Costumes need to be started asap.
* Bottle drive still going on
* We need help from parents on stage work and costumes.

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Good Tuesday to all,

Due to the talent show practicing today, there is no practice scheduled for any cast members today.

Practice for Thursday is for Full Cast from scene 3 up to scene 5.

Bottle drive is ongoing. Please be collecting these for offsetting the cost of fabric.

We need some parents on board to help out with this department. Please call me if you are able to help.

Start looking for something that can be used. Goodwill is a good place to start. I do have some dresses and such here, so check this source out also. Sewing and alterations are available if you do so in a timely manner.

We need a parent volunteer to help lead this task. Please call if you are interested in helping in any manner.

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Monday, January 26, 2009


Happy Monday Morning,

During tutorial we will be having practice for the knights and Winnifred and starting SHY.

Please be there right after first lunch.

Check out Friday's blog as it is loaded.

Practice Schedule for the week:
Monday during tutorial for knights and Winnifred
Thursday after school for FULL CAST

Break a Leg,
Mrs Charle McAtee

Friday, January 23, 2009


Oh happy Friday,

I just want to thank all of you who showed up yesterday for the practice on OPENING FOR A PRINCESS. We did finish out the choreographing and you folks are looking good. I do believe that you are crowded and that will be addressed soon, so hang in there. All in all, fantastic job to each and everyone. Attendance is a must now. If you can not make practices as scheduled, you MUST contact me to insure your placement in this musical. We only have 7 weeks to show time! Keep up this great effort.

Anyone who needs cd's or words to the songs, come see me asap.


ENSEMBLE - practice singing OPENING FOR A PRINCESS while practicing the choreographing!!!! Hard to do!!!
Knights: Listen to SHY and learn your part.
Ladies and Princesses: Listen to SWAMPS OF HOME and learn your part.
LEADS- Learn words and lyrics up to scene 3 as No books anymore for these!!!! Work onward to the other scenes.

Costume Information:

There will be help here at school for anyone who has difficulty getting any of the needed items. Please let me know asap and we will provide any and all if necessary. Alterations can be done here also, but this needs to happen asap.

Ladies and Princess
*Full length gown(ankle length)and long sleeves if possible( sleeves can be added )
*Soft Shoe (ballet slipper, jazz shoe, sneakers-NO HIGH HEELS)
*Hats or veils should be ornate and have a medieval look to them
*Princesses need a crown also

* Dark( black, brown or navy) long sleeve shirt
* Pants need to be BLACK and fairly tight fitting
* Tunics - if possible
* Sneakers

* Medieval outfits

Parent Volunteers:

We are in need of many parent volunteers for this year's musical. If you are interested in helping out with sewing costumes, making/painting props, or donating fabrics and notions, please contact me asap. Fabrics- glittery types, ribbons, satins, beads, flowy/lightweight, sequins, and anything sparkely to help are desperately needed asap. Thank you so much.

PRACTICE SCHEDULE for next week(due to talent show practices)
Monday: Tutorial for Knights and Emily
Thursday: ENSEMBLE and leads up to scene 3.

Donations for the bottle drive is underway. You can bring them to the clink account and help out with the cost of fabrics. Thank you.

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Good Thursday Morning,

Practice Schedule today for ENSEMBLE after school.

Oh happy day to all. Today we are going to be putting on the finishing touches on OPENING FOR A PRINCESS!!! Yeah, so please make sure you are here today for your positions. IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO MAKE TODAY'S PRACTICE, you must contact me so I will include you in the line up. The next practice for the ENSEMBLE members is on Monday during tutorial.

Practice Schedule for next week:
MONDAY: Ensemble during tutorial
THURSDAY: FULL CAST for all up to scene 3.

Please donate to the Fabric Fund for costuming by collecting and turning in bottles and cans to CLINK at Hannafords. Thank you for your help.

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Good Wednesday Morning,

Thank you to the Leads for all turning out yesterday for the practice. You are all doing a great job as I expected. Please make sure all lines and words are learned by next week up to scene 3. The next time we meet as a Lead Practice will be February 2, Monday, after school!!!

The ENSEMBLE will have a practice tomorrow, Thursday, January 22 after school. Please make sure you make this practice as we will be going over the final steps to the OPENING FOR A PRINCESS. It will be nice to finish this number up so we can move onto another ensemble part.

Practice Schedule:
Thursday after school for ENSEMBLE

Try to do your part with helping out with the bottle drive to offset the cost of costumes by donating to the CLINK account.

Break a Leg,
Mrs. Charle McAtee

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Good Tuesday Morning,

Oh happy day it is today as we welcome our new president into the White House today!

Practice today is for leads up to scene 3. Please be there .

Practice for the ENSEMBLE on Thursday.

There is a Clink account at Hannaford's for the Fabric Fund for the musical to offset the cost of costumes set up now. Please do all you can to help us out.

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Friday, January 16, 2009


Good Friday Morning,


Thank you all for coming yesterday after school. We worked through some tough stuff and you were champs dealing with the steps. Thank you. The second and more times you work through this, it will be easier, so hang in there.

There is no school on Monday, so no Practices on Monday! Enjoy your extra day off.

Ensemble needs to practice SINGING and MOVING at the same time. Please practice this as many times as possible to make this more automatic.
Leads needs to have all lines and words learned up to scene 3 by Tuesday.

Practice Schedule for next week:
Tuesday: After school for leads
Thursday: After school for ENSEMBLE

Please remember to help out with the bottles and cans to help us with the FABRIC FUND. I will set up a Clink account today in the ONCE UPON A MATTRESS name.

Break a Leg,

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Good Thursday Morning,

Today is a FULL CAST rehearsal for all members after school in the auditorium.

Please contribute to the Fabric Fund to collect money to go towards the costumes. This fund is collecting bottles and cans for the refund. Thank you so much.

Break A Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Good Wednesday Morning,

Today we have a break in the practice schedule so enjoy your free time, but please spend some of it learning the lyrics and lines that you have.

Ensemble: Learn the words to OPENING FOR A PRINCESS by Thursday as we will start the choreographing!!
Leads: Plug away with songs and words. By now, I am expecting up to scene 2 memorized. Tackle up to scene 3 by Monday.

Please contribute to the FABRIC FUND as this will help defray costume costs.

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Good Tuesday Morning,

Yesterday's practice was another successful time. We cleaned up some of the blocking and think you folks have a nice handle on it. You are singing and moving at the same time. Great job. On Thursday, we will really be doing some chorographing the song, so make a great effort to be there.

Please help out with the FABRIC FUND to help raise money for the costumes! See Marissa and Cole for details.

I need to see Collin Young today!!!!

Practice Schedule:
Tuesday: After school for any knight who can make it today as well as any lead in scene 3 and 4.
Thursday: After school for FULL CAST

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Monday, January 12, 2009


Good Monday Morning,

I love Mondays, don't you? Anyways we are moving on with the musical at a nice pace and beginning. Let's keep up the great work started.

Today there is an ENSEMBLE practice during tutorial. That means that all ensemble members should eat the first session, and then go directly to the auditorium for practice. We are working on blocking the OPENING FOR A PRINCESS. If lucky, we may try some movement, but that will definitely start on Thursday.

Anyone who would like to join the musical as a Lady in Waiting or Knight in Shinning Armor must start today or Thursday as these positions are closing this week.

Practice Schedule:
Monday: Tutorial for ENSEMBLE
Monday: After School for Leads in Prologue, Scenes 1,2,3
Tuesday: After School for Leads Scenes 1,2,3
Thursday: After School for FULL CAST

Please remember the rules for using the auditorium and have fun today.

Break a Leg,
Mrs Charle McAtee

Friday, January 9, 2009


Good Friday Morning and Kudos to you all,

Yesterday's FULL CAST practice was a smashing success! You all put in a great effort and were on your best conduct and you made the practice fun, but mostly, productive. Great job on a great start.

We really got down the blocking of Opening for a Princess, rehearsed the lyrics to the song and we are getting ready to put these all together with movement! Wow. With all this on the agenda, we need to make sure that we attend all the practices available.

Positions for Knights in Shinning Armor and Ladies in Waiting are closing this coming Monday. So if you are planning on joining the musical or know of someone who does, Monday is the deadline.

Rules for the practices are:
1. After school practices start at 2:30
2. You must stay outside of the auditorium until I arrive to let you in
3. Snacks and drinks are to be eaten and drank OUTSIDE the auditorium before 2:30 pm
4. You may bring in your homework to work on during idle times of practice
5. Limit your bathroom breaks
6. ABSOLUTELY NO EATING IN THE AUDITORIUM so there will be no more crumbs for the ants
7. Check in for attendance
8. Sit in the lower seats.
9. Give your best effort
10. Have fun

ENSEMBLE: Learn the words to Opening for a Princess by Monday.
Leads: Learn the words and songs in the Prologue, Scene 1 and 2 by Monday.
Winnifred: Learn a least one song by Monday.

Practice Schedule:
Monday: Tutorial for ENSEMBLE
Monday: After School for leads
Tuesday: After School for leads
Thursday: After School for FULL CAST

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Good Thursday Morning,

I hope you enjoyed your snow day yesterday.

Today is FULL CAST after school in the auditorium. Please make this practice as it is important. Also, if there are any ensemble members who have not picked up the cd or the script, please do so today. You will need these to learn the songs and plot of the musical.

ENSEMBLE: learn the words to OPENING FOR A PRINCESS by Monday
LEADS: Learn lines and words from Prologue - scene 1 and 2.

Practice Schedule:
Mondays: During tutorial: ensembe
Mondays: After School: Leads
Tuesdays: After School: Leads
Thursday: After School: FULL CAST

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Good Tuesday Morning,

What a wonderful day yesterday was with both practices turning out to be a great start. I am looking forward to our next meetings. Keep up the fantastic start.

Today there will be after school practice for the leads in the prologue, scene 1 and 2 in the auditorium.


Ensemble members are to learn the words for Opening For a Princess as soon as possible. Please check in with me tomorrow for the scripts and cd if you have not done so already. Remember, the ensemble is the backbone of the musical and you folks will make the performance a hit. attendance is extremely important and you must try to make both practices if at all possible to become more confident and strong in your roles. the practices are on Mondays during tutorial and Thursdays after school. See you there.

Leads: Continue practicing the words and lines daily.

Please get the $1 in to cover the cd cost asap.

Break a Leg,
Mrs. Charle McAtee

Monday, January 5, 2009


Oh Happy Monday Morning,

It is so good to be back in school. I hope you all feel the same. I can't wait for today's practices.

There is a practice this tutorial for ALL ENSEMBLE members who can make it. Your attendance is greatly needed so please come if at all possible. This means that everyone should be eating the first section of the lunch and going to the auditorium for the last 2 parts. Also, there is a practice for all leads today after school.

Reminder to all ensemble members: You must attend one practice each week, either at the tutorial on Mondays or after school on Thursdays. It is much preferred that you attend BOTH if at all possible.

The schedule is as follows:
Monday : tutorial for ensemble
Monday : after school for leads
Tuesday : after school for leads
Thursdays : FULL CAST

If you have not done so already, please turn in $1 for the music cd. Thank you so much.

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Good Sunday Morning to all,

I am not sure if anyone is checking this site today, but I wanted to wish everyone a happy new year.

On Monday we are going to have a practice at tutorial for all ensemble members that can make it. Also there will be a practice after school for all leads.

Break a leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee