Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Oh Happy Tuesday,

This is the last day of the year for us! Wow-

As we missed yesterday's practice with the ensemble at tutorial, I just want to remind all, not just ensemble, that you should be learning the songs over the break. Please put some time in doing so to make up some lost practice time.


Have a very safe and merry vacation.

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Friday, December 19, 2008


Happy Friday to all,

What a wonderful turnout yesterday. Thank you for getting there and doing such a fantastic job learning the opening song. I was totally blown away with the talent you folks have. Keep on practicing those songs this weekend.

There is no practice after school today, but continue to practice your songs and parts on your own. Practice will be on MONDAY during TUTORIAL for ensemble - knights, ladies and princesses. Please make this IF you can. The more that come, the better, but this is not a mandatory practice. You must eat the first period and then report to the auditorium directly afterwards. I have your music and you have the talent.

Again, thank you for doing such a great job with effort and behavior so far. You are a fun group to be around.

Break a Leg,
Mrs Charle McAtee


Good Friday Morning,

As you know I am not in school today. I hope that your day is a good one. First of all, it is cuppie cake Friday, so sing extra loud for me while you enjoy your treat. Secondly, three classes are mostly done with both of the parts of the tests. If indeed you are, then your task today is to start tabbing and charting tabs. You should be able to knock off at least 5 bracelets each.

If you did not get both parts of your test done, that is your task. All of period 1 must take the second part as we went to the chorus concert yesterday. Do your best work and remember calculators and notes are ok to use. Make sure to use a separate paper for your work, answer on the answer column, select a bonus question of your choice, comment on the test, staple the work to the test and pass it in.

A big shout out goes to Mrs. Plaisted for calling in those cupcakes. Thank you so much.

I hope that everybody was able to remember to bring in something for the stocking we are trying to fill. It would make a young lady's Christmas a lot brighter.

Homework: None for the rest of the year.

Make this a great day,

Mrs.Charle McAtee

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Happy Thursday,

I hope by now checking in with this blog is becoming a natural for you. Please make sure you do so over the break as there may be some breaking news I would share with you folks.

Anyways,today is a FULL CAST,everybody, Practice after school. I am expecting everybody there is at all possible. If you are unable to attend, you need to contact me with the reason.

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Good Wednesday Morning,

Wow, thank you for coming to the meeting. It was great to see you once again. It was a great turnout for our first practice yesterday despite the flurry of student activities that were held yesterday. SO thank you once again, as your continued participation will make the musical great this year.

Welcome Aboard to Molly Stewart. She is going to be the choreographer for the musical and will be a great addition to the team.

I do want to clear up a few questions that came up yesterday.

1. If you are in the ensemble, you are either a knight, lady in waiting or a princess.
2. Full cast means EVERYBODY in the musical.
3. The practice during tutorial on Monday for the ensemble is for those who CAN make it. There is also a practice on Thursdays for ensemble. I want you to be able to commit to at least one of those every week in the early stages. It is excellent if you attended both every week. This will change and I will be expecting you to attend more after school practices as March approaches.
4. Snacks and drinks need to be eaten outside the auditorium.
5. Practices start at 2:30 promptly.

There is a FULL CAST practice tomorrow, Thursday, December 18. We will start with learning the songs of the opening scenes.

Break a Leg,
Mrs. Charle McAtee

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Good Tuesday Morning,

Finally, today has arrived after many delays. We will be meeting as a FULL CAST, everybody, today after school today. This is a very important meeting. Please make every effort to make this meeting. If you are unable to do so, please contact me.

Break a Leg,

Mrs.Charle McAtee

Monday, December 15, 2008


Happy Monday to all,

Ok after a delayed start last week, we will be having a FULL CAST,everybody, meeting tomorrow after school. Please make it there as this is an important meeting. We will be setting up the ground rules, passing out scripts, and other items. So please be prompt and if you want to snack, do so outside the auditorium. If you can't make this meeting, please contact me.

Please feel free to comment on this blog as I will respond this way also.

There is NO TUTORIAL or after school rehearsal today as we need to meet as a whole group first.

Break a Leg,

Mrs.Charle McAtee

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Breaking News: this meeting for today is cancelled due to weather - See you after school on Tuesday for a FULL CAST Meeting.

Good Thursday Morning,

Well today is supposed to be our first FULL CAST meeting, but the weather may delay this. Please stay tuned for announcements and this blog to find out if it is postponed until TUESDAY.

If it is a go today, The FULL CAST, everybody, needs to meet me in the auditorium at the end of the day. We will blast off with an overview of the musical and pass out the scripts and cd's of music. We will be outlining the expectations that we have to make this musical the best ever. So, come in and we will get started on our journey.

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Good Wednesday Morning,

Congratulations on a job well done to all of the cast members of the school musical, Once Upon a Mattress. There are still open positions for any and all students who want to join in on the ensemble parts.

Well, I hope everyone has checked in with this blog by now as I am expecting you to do so EVERYDAY. The results are posted on the office window and yesterday's blog entry.

There is a FULL CAST meeting(our very first) on Thursday, Dec 11, in the auditorium after school. This is an important meeting so do all you can to make it to this or contact me as soon as possible. Stay tuned in to this blog or the announcements if the weather turns foul as changes may need to be made accordingly. Please make sure your parents check in to this blog also.

Happy Birthday to Mr.Carpenter today. If you meet him today, wish him a fantastic day.

Break a Leg,
Mrs.Charle McAtee

Monday, December 8, 2008


Good Tuesday Morning,

As a famous line once stated: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. That what is was like choosing the lead roles in the musical. First of all, every single student who tried out is a winner. It took courage and effort to even go this far. So congratulations to all of the students who did indeed go for it all. I wish there was a starring role for each of you on stage as well as you are all champs. But as you all know, only a few will get the lead roles. So take heart as you read the results of the auditions from yesterday and last Thursday. It was a real tough choice getting down to this point, but we believe that we were able to pull together a dynamite cast. This year's Gorham Middle School Musical, Once Upon A Mattress, will be a show stopper. So Drum Roll Please.......
Lullibye Bird-Lucia Alexandrin
Rowena-Kalya Billings
Lucille-Hannah Linscot
Princess #12-Anna Barr
Sir Harry-Kevin Lumbert
Lady Larken-Sefanie Farrington
Wizard-Collin Young
Minstrel-Taylor Plasz
Jester-Katie Stickney
King-Cole Cross
Queen-Marissa Rush
Prince Dauntless-Eric DeLuca
Princess Winnifred-Emily Stickney
Ensemble Parts include the following but there are still openings here:
Knights in Shinning Armor:
Joe Lambert,Caleb Dunlap, Forrest Plaisted, Max McNally,Joe Lambert,Zach Heddeshimer,Matt Petty.
Princesses and Ladies in Waiting:
Lindsey Chadburn,Savannah Petrin,Gabby Bagala,Allie MacFeat,Cassaundra Martel,Madeline Susi,Lucia Alexandrin,Katilyn SeeHusen, Michaela Stresser,Shannen Secord, Chelsea Edwards, Jenna Profenno, Sammy Duncan,Jenessa Meserve,Kasey Mitchell,Gabby Fogg,Zoe Madingly,Kylie Butler,Kayleigh Smith,Katie Stoddard, Kristen Nelson,Jaymie Seneca,Graceann Burns,Sophia Swietek,Kelsey Mitchell, Whitney Emerson,Megan Baker, Madi Tippits,Kayli Leavett, Julia Donley, Megan Dunlap, April Cummings, Claire Sirois,
Jordan Thomas, Beth Martin, Ellie Lavoie, Jessica Day, Mckenzie Coyne, Ally Robinson,Megan Thomsen, Kiena Plumer, Danielle Roy, and Stephanie Hillman.

Congratulations to each and every one of you for a job well STARTED.

There is a FULL CAST Meeting this Thursday after school to go over some beginning tasks. Please make EVERY effort to be there. If you are unable to attend, you must contact me.

Weekly Schedules:

Ensemble practices will be on Mondays during tutorial(eat first block)and Thursdays after school. Lead Roles will be Mondays and Tuesdays after school. Thursdays will be full cast.

Check in on this blog EVERYDAY for information on the musical.
Break a Leg,
Mrs Charle McAtee


Good Morning,

Today is the second audition day for Once Upon A Mattress, the school musical. I am sure we will have a great turnout as good as last Thursdays. Make sure you have your permission slip in to me before you stay for the tryouts. Come prepared with your lines and song and great effort.

Those in the ensemble, The Ladies in Waiting, Princesses and Knights in Shinning Armor, do not need to audition. Just sign up on the poster outside the office window. You still have time to join in on the fun.

We will start to practice on Mondays during tutorial times NEXT Monday, December 15. You will need to eat during the first lunch time and report to the auditorium after.

If needed, there will be recalls tomorrow. Stay tuned to this blog and the announcements.

The results of the tryouts will be posted as soon as possible on this blog as well as outside the office, and school announcements.

Break A Leg,
Mrs Charle McAtee

Friday, December 5, 2008


Good Friday Morning,

Yesterday we held the first auditions and it went fairly smoothly. There is a lot of talent in the Gorham Middle School. The next audition day will be Monday, December 8. Make sure you have your permission slip turned into Mrs. Charle McAtee before you stay after school. Prepare your lines and a song. Call backs are scheduled on Tuesday.

Again, the Knights in Shinning Armor, the Ladies in Waiting and the Princesses do not need to audition, but you need a permission slip to participate. Most of the ensemble practices will be held on Monday(during tutorial) and Thursday after school. The schedule is apt to change fairly quickly, so keep updated on this blog daily.

The lead roles will be expected to practice on Mondays and Tuesdays as well as Thursdays. Keep posted here daily.

I need to see Max McNally and Joe Lambert TODAY.

As soon as the auditions are done, we will get busy and Post the results by the office and this blog. Try to be patient.

Break a Leg,
Mrs. Charle McAtee

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Good Thursday Morning to all,

You Need to check in this blog site DAILY for information.

Today is the day we been waiting for- the first audition day. Any student who wants to audition for a speaking/solo part must bring in the permission slip to stay after school today for tryouts. If you do not have this, make sure you do this before Monday's audition day. Make sure you have your lines memorized and are ready for a song to sing. If you want to be in the ensemble, ladies in waiting, princesses, and knights in shinning armor, you do not need to audition.

The planned scheduled times are:

Mondays - Tutorial time for Ensemble
- After School for Lead Roles
Tuesdays - After School for Roles
Thursdays - After School for FULL CAST

This above schedule is flexible and will change when March arrives. The performances are March 26, 27, and 28 at night for the public.

Break a Leg,
Mrs. Charle McAtee

Monday, December 1, 2008


Happy Monday to all,

Today is the first day of December and we are so close to the first auditions this Thursday. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR PERMISSION SLIPS IN BEFORE you stay for these auditions on Thursday or Monday! So get these into me asap.

Auditions for speaking parts are this Thursday, December 4, after school or Monday, December 8. You are expected to have a song to sing and have your lines memorized for this audition.

We have some breaking news: There will be practice times open to the ensemble on Mondays during the school day. All members are expected to eat at the first lunch and then report to the auditorium for a practice. This will help out with less practices after school on Thursdays for those who have conflicts with other commitments. This practice will start in January.

So, get those permission slips in asap.

Break a leg!
Mrs. Charle McAtee